トップ > ライブラリー > ポスター > エコロジー > Toki 2008 Nipponia Nippon Save The Earth-Wild Life

Toki 2008 Nipponia Nippon Save The Earth-Wild Life

ポスターアーティスト秋山孝が2008年に新潟県、佐渡市、新潟日報社からの依頼により制作したポスター「Toki 2008 Nipponia Nippon / Save The Earth-Wild Life」

Date :   2008
Size :   1030 x 728 mm
Client :   新潟県、佐渡市、新潟日報社
Keyword :   earth Life Nippon Nipponia Save toki Wild
Color :   

その記念事業として、JAGDA会員による自然共生をテーマとしたポスター展「アートメッセージ展」と、 特別展示「秋山孝メッセージポスター展TOKI 1983 — 2008」が開かれた。
Ibis was released to the wild in Sado-island in Niigata Prefecture on 25th September in 2008 as test.
There was an exhibition of “message art” and the special exhibition, “Exhibition of the message posters Akiyama Takashi: TOKI(Ibis) 1983 – 2008” was held as commemorated with JAGDA poster exhibition on the theme of harmony with nature by JAGDA members.
In addition, Shigeo Fukuda, Nakagawa Sumiko, Akiyama Takashi did a “Talk Show of memorial” on 27th September.
Unfortunately Mr. Shigeo Fukuda is then passed away and it was the last his talk show.
The design expresses an ibis flaps its wings propitiously in the sky over the house in Sado-island.
Ibis has come back to Sado-island for the first time in 27 years.