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Thanks Mountain Save The Earth (Bird)

ポスターアーティスト秋山孝がToyama cityからの依頼により2008年に制作したポスター「Thanks Mountain Save The Earth (Bird)」

Date :   2008
Size :   1030mm x 728mm
Client :   Toyama city
Keyword :   earth Mountain Save Thanks バードカービング
Color :   


Tateyama mountain range is the most beautiful mountains in the world.
As known as “Poster city of Toyama” is to cherish the culture of posters to advertise.
Poster Biennial proudly has been continuing for 22 years.
The city gradually is making more spaces for new posters to look the city beautiful.
Three more towers have built by 2008.
Create a poster for a opening of the exhibition.
It seems that symbolized the ecology and mammoth has appeared.